Numerous rating and certification options are accessible for both new constructions and existing structures. SEnergy provides certification services for various rating systems. Contact us to determine the most suitable rating system for your project or to conduct a rapid feasibility analysis within your chosen rating framework.

GRIHA Certification

The Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) was developed by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and is one of the indigenous rating systems available for new buildings.

With a primary focus on implementing best construction practices, GRIHA is suitable for adoption by most government and public sector buildings, including national and state-level institutions, government offices, apartments, and similar structures. Additionally, existing schools can apply for Prakriti certification under GRIHA.

GRIHA provides certification under these categories for new buildings and schools:

GRIHA Pre-certification for Tenanted Buildings
SVA GRIHA - For projects smaller than 2500 square meters.
GRIHA - Projects exceeding 2500 square meters.
GRIHA LD - For projects exceeding 50 hectares.
GRIHA Prakriti - For existing schools