Wide and huge production area in million sq.ft
Energy consumption in million units per month

Unknown production energy rationalization
Unknown energy breakup by production line and shift
Unknown quantum and source of electrical problems
Excessive scrapping and remelting of virgin plastic

identify distribution imbalances across shop floor
Measure various electrical parameters of production equipment
Identify and Resolve Earth leakage faults
Identify load imbalances, Prevented fire hazards
Curb Unnecessary Usage to reduce overall Target bill
Enforce Overdue spare replacement to Enhance SLA Adherence
Eliminate need for unfruitful and expensive energy audits
cost cutting of Drive AMC & Energy


vast and wide production area in million sq.ft
Energy consumption in million units per month

Electrical load imbalance across production area
Unknown individual consumption and load disturbances
Heavy consumption of energy in non working days due to unstructured facility expansion

Quantify Duty Cycle, Peak and Off-Peak consumption
Isolate and alert O&M on Wastage and Loading Pattern
Provide real time alert of energy and power quality metrics
Analyze Consumption, usage and wastage pattern
Enforce Overdue spare replacement to Enhance SLA adherence
Structure unwanted usage to bring down overall target bill
Continuous engagement in cost cutting of AMC ,energy and manpower
Quantify specific energy for each ancillary
Prevent fire hazards
Highlight pre-existing maintenance blind spots through workshop


The most commonly used materials in commercial and industrial building construction.
550˚C to 620˚C are commonly used in steel structuring
The large structures make up power plants
Largest cooling towers and the boiler frame structures

Unstructured production energy rationalization
Unknown energy consumption
Consistent load disturbances
Lack of optimization and synergy across facility

Vast amount of periodical data collection by sensors
Array of electronic measurement and monitoring systems
Record, network, and use numerous machine and product parameters to control the machines to ensure quality
Allow to trace back to exactly which operation and at which position a defect in a product occurs
SEnergy smart meters helps to cut their CO2 emissions and reduce wasted energy.
Periodic and frequent data helps in making gains in productivity,
Measure exactly the grades of steels that are the most energy intensive


Modern smelting involves more advanced types of furnaces, numerous smelting parameters to separate ore and metal most efficiently.
Temperature is a crucial factor controlling the efficiency of metal separation from ore
Dry or granulated form of copper, along with SiO2 flux and O2 (or air) is fed into a heated smelting furnace at 1200–1300 °C.

Harsh environment often prevents obtaining mineral information and measurement data.
Highly uncertain data and delayed measurements
Number of flash smelting furnaces, converter furnaces, anode furnaces, anode casting wheels, and refineries are isolated hence no data given to organization
Lack of real-time operational data collection

identify distribution imbalances across shop floor
Measure various electrical parameters of production equipment
Identify and Resolve Earth leakage faults
Identify load imbalances, Prevented fire hazards
Curb Unnecessary Usage to reduce overall Target bill
Enforce Overdue spare replacement to Enhance SLA Adherence
Eliminate need for unfruitful and expensive energy audits
cost cutting of Drive AMC & Energy


Aluminium smelting helps to pull aluminium from its oxide using electrolysis.
Process includes extreme temperature 800°C
Minor errors could lead to significant problems.

Aluminium decline cell often come upon inadequate performance
Increase in energy consumption,
Increase the emissions of fluorocarbon gases
Un identifiable noise patterns like metal pad roll, and short circuiting sound

Bridge the gap between industrial equipment, infrastructure and new technologies such as cloud
Inform business owners if their equipment functioning at most favourable health.
Provide handy and organized solutions for even the most composite device hierarchy
Initiates data collection on operation conditions for well being of machines
Analyze data in to meaningful information to automate process in machinery
Provide frequent and periodic data for predictive maintenance
SEnergy smart meters facilitates anomaly detection by continuous and consistent monitoring


Oil and natural gas are foremost industries in the energy market that participate an influential role in the global economy
Exploration and production sector
Explore from onshore/offshore acreage that might contain oil or gas.
Part of petroleum industry that includes activities like drilling wells, trucking supplies, and mining oil sands.
Upstream, midstream, and downstream are three major sectors of oil and gas industry
Finding and producing crude oil and natural gas a related to upstream sector
Midstream entail the transportation, storage, and processing of oil and gas.
Downstream sector involves oil refineries, petrochemical plants etc…
Fuel oil and gasoline (petrol) are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol)
Oil and Gas Industry spends trillions of dollars every year on exploration, development, and maintenance of assets.

The upstream industry loses billions of dollars every year due to non-productive time (NPT).
Accidents are major threats in upstream industry as even a small accident will have huge impact on position of the company
Lack of knowledge on leakages and lack of interaction on emergency shut down while transporting volumes of products to market and end user
Poor optimization of process
Unplanned shutdowns and lack of safer working environment

Provide digital oil field infrastructure
Superior safety and security of asset
Real-time machine and sensor integration
Real time data collection helps in Predictive maintenance that leads to reduced cost of maintenance
Trigger maintenance workflow by linking Enterprise Resource planning Data
Data collection in a periodic and continuous manner yield a historical record for the purpose of performance analysis
Real time alerts and interaction on emergency conditions
Monitor equipments and pipeline for updating health of equipments
Improve energy efficiency


Cables and pipes are manufactured by Extrusion process to create a particular shape.
The raw material is fed into the extruder through hopper and a volumetric control system
Inside the extruder barrel the temperature is maintained around 200°C by electricity and the friction in the screw system.
Huge energy consumption process
Various types of pipes like seamless pipes ,welded steel pipes etc…are manufactured under different manufacturing process at various temperature levels

High temperature variations make the process difficult
Rigidity and inflammatory engineering system
Poor predictive maintenance on energy consumption
Lack of optimisation of process energy demand

Smart Manufacturing by means of software and data
Integrate end-to-end processes product measurement and quality data
Enterprise-wide integration of manufacturing and business processes
Frequent and Periodic Data collection for production process
Advanced data analytics for product quality measurement
Real-time alerts for better control of equipments to avoid un wanted cost of repairs,
Faster and flexible large-scale operation of shop floor systems
visualize and enable decision making anytime and anywhere
Reduce operational complexity in few clicks
Offer framework for integration of internal and external processes to ensure alertness and responsiveness
Accelerate waste reduction and rework


A metal forming process to create objects of a fixed cross-sectional profile
Extruders are supplied with electrical energy for their operation and this energy is converted into mechanical or thermal energy
The most common material extruded are plastic and aluminium.
Extrusion is used in production of tubes and hollow pipes.
Aluminum extrusion is used in structure work in many industries.
Extrusion is widely used to produce plastic objects.
Temperature for extrusion hot extrusion process ranges from 350 C– 2000 C
Energy intensive production method
Generally extruders consume energy through the drive motor, barrel heaters, cooling fans etc..
Extrusion companies have considerable impact on their energy efficiency as the electrical motors are the dominant power consumers in extrusion plants
Accelerate waste reduction and rework

Improper System Engineering.
Difficult to run the extrusion process at higher processing speed during thermal fluctuations
Poor process energy efficiency
Lack of ability to optimise energy efficiency and thermal efficiency concurrently when achieving desired output rate and melt quality.
Difficult to predict process energy consumption which plays a key role in optimising the

Provide vigorous data acquisition processes
Develop standardized protocols for machine-to-machine communication
Increase adaptability and extruder integration with other manufacturing line components
Real time monitoring of information of data on energy consumption, heating zones efficiency and temperature stability allow managers to examine operational cost in real time
Give alerts and notification in case of anomaly in critical equipments to avoid unexpected
Allow remote maintenance capabilities by means of secure connection protocols
Analyse data of connected devices for defects to indicate preventive maintenance
Review historical data and scheme production parameters trends that enable further effective operations outline and equipment management.
Enhance quality, productivity and efficiency all the way through better management of information and resources